Advisory 01

Advisory to prevent use of Nuclear weapons
Role of Administration, Citizens & Country :-
  • When any Administration of a Country says they will use Nuclear Weapons, they should instead say, "We will mercilessly kill large number of innocent civilians".
  • After this, they should say to their citizens, "After this act, we will hide in our safe bunkers; Kindly arrange for your own safety".
  • An Administration consists of hardly few people may be in hundreds.
  • How can they take such decisions putting millions or billions of lives in danger?
  • In case of Nuclear attack on Civilians, this is insane even if it is carried out by a developed country.
  • Country-wide voting should be held to decide whether the Administration should be allowed to use Nuclear Weapons for a specific purpose.
  • For each purpose, separate voting should be held.
  • There should be atleast (say for example) 75% of the citizens (not voters) in favour of Nuclear Attack to be executed.
  • Once the voting results are in favour of Nuclear attack, ensure abundant Medical facilities (e.g. Hospitals) in your country.
  • This is because after carrying out attack on another country, there could be a retaliation nuclear attack on your country by another country.
  • Very unfortunate scenario. May God forbid.
Suggestions for United Nations :-
  • The United Nations should not be a mute spectator to these warnings.
  • UN should present counter measures for each any every Nuclear Threat given by any country.
  • Please do not let any of the country even use the term 'Nuclear Attack'.
  • Kindly be Proactive in saving lives by preventing Nuclear warfare.
  • Also, UN should mediate in any conflict in advance to prevent it from becoming full-fledged war. Maintain peace.
Notes :-
  • Any Nuclear threat is not less than a Terrorist threat.
  • What makes an Administrtaion (not majority of Citizens) think of using Nuclear Weapons?
  • What does Majority of Citizens (not Administration) think of effects after its use?
  • Is this the world, where millions or billions of lives could be easily sacrificed by few Administrators?
  • It seems that some Countries have not learnt lessons from the year 1945. Save lives.

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